
Showing posts from May, 2017

GovernMental State of Mind

After taking a look at the  GovernMental Blog  and seeing the opinions of colleague Hannah Simons I decided to give my input as well on the same issue that our world faces. That is Global Warming. " I also share your thoughts on how climate change is blatantly being ignored by our administration. The facts are there and human populous is putting out more than it can save.   I did notice how The Obama Administration tried to go forward with the efforts to alleviate the problem that is global warming. I have also noticed that there is just really no mention of the issue in the Trump Administration. In fact more funding is being cut for research to look for a cause,effect, and solution. Steven Hawking has said that the planet Earth may only have a good 100 years left before the world is too far gone.  With main energy companies I also agree that they are only out for themselves and they want to remain on top. They know that they are contributing to the problems, but ...