
Showing posts from 2017

Guns on The Table

With recent issues on gun control have plagued the nation for years. Generations even, but with gun violence becoming more and more prevalent in today's media many constituents believe that its time to change this. Many Texans are against the reform for gun control. According to Author Ayan Mittra for Texas Tribune , Gun control in Texas has always been a taboo subject. Many Texans believe in keeping guns and that regulation will not help anything. An overwhelming 90 percent of Texans who were polled are against gun control. These numbers are changing now due to recent events in mass shootings in the United States.  The Orlando Pulse shooting on June 12th 2016 started the trend. This was considered the most deadly mass shooting in not only the LGBT community but on record as well. Fast forward to upward of 5 other accounts of mass shootings affecting the nation since. Many Texans will argue with Liberals that they are taking guns away from the hands that purchased them. When...

GovernMental State of Mind

After taking a look at the  GovernMental Blog  and seeing the opinions of colleague Hannah Simons I decided to give my input as well on the same issue that our world faces. That is Global Warming. " I also share your thoughts on how climate change is blatantly being ignored by our administration. The facts are there and human populous is putting out more than it can save.   I did notice how The Obama Administration tried to go forward with the efforts to alleviate the problem that is global warming. I have also noticed that there is just really no mention of the issue in the Trump Administration. In fact more funding is being cut for research to look for a cause,effect, and solution. Steven Hawking has said that the planet Earth may only have a good 100 years left before the world is too far gone.  With main energy companies I also agree that they are only out for themselves and they want to remain on top. They know that they are contributing to the problems, but ...

Opposition of the Electoral College

With technology making advances in media and making its way into our government to convey messages in our world. Working its way into our voting system to due away with the seemingly outdated Electoral College. The Electoral College has provided to be rather confusing and also unfair to those who do not seem to fully grasp the concept. For an earlier time the Electoral College was a great way to reduce time on counting votes for each individual state. The way the Electoral College seems unfair. The most recent election Texas gave 36 Electoral college votes for Trump while California gave 55 for Clinton. The size and population of a state can determine the number of votes, but the Electoral College is not a very good representation of the general public opinion. Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote but with the electoral college being given to Trump he won the presidency. The System is flawed for the new times. George Bush won the Electoral College but caused an uproar when Al Gore had...

Minds Thinking Alike

After reading the  Politically Correct-ish  blog from my fellow colleges I saw that we share the same views on the Trump Administration and his views on energy and Global Warming. I fully agreed with the fact that Trump and his administration are acting upon "say so" instead of the hard facts that are present. Scientist have been saying since the 80's that the environment is starting to go. To have a president that does not see this a top priority seems a bit scary in my opinion. It also shows where is head is at. He seems to keep shying away from the science and actual government of it all. I would credit this because he is not an actual politician.

Republicans: The New Red Scare

Today it seems as though the Republican Political party has taken over not only The White House, but also the courts, congress, and media. It seems that everything that is bright and good in the world is trying to be taken away by the "conservative" and "self righteous" Republican party. For the individuals who find themselves representing the Republican party this is not a post saying "Every Republican that supports Donald Trump is evil." This is not true. I have met people who side with the Republican party who are perfectly fine and do oppose some views that the Republican party has sided with. My argument is that the Republican party is causing more bad than good. The Republican party has a certain stereotype that they are living up to very well. One big stereotype is that Republicans hate they LGBT community. It can be argued that the part in question feel indifferent towards the community. With articles from  The New York Times  stating that our ow...

You can put lipstick on a pig, but.....

After reading an article by the New York Times entitled " Don't Be Fooled, Trump's New Muslim Ban Is Still Illegal " I have definitely learned more about this new ban that is arising from our nations capitol. What Farhana Khera and Johnathan Smith are saying speaks true to many more people than the intended audience, which I think is for the people who know that this ban is wrong. That can range from male to females of all age groups. Frankly anyone with a conscious. Specifically I think it is aimed towards the people who are not too big of fans of the new President Elect, and people who support the freedoms that the United States used to represent.  As far as credibility goes Farhana Khera is the president and executive director of Muslim Advocates, where Johnathan Smith is the legal director. Farhana has her wits about her and she knows what she is talking about especially when it comes the well being of the Muslim people being treated the way they are. The author...

Immigration Crackdown

In a recent opinion article on the  USA Today  website the Editorial Board voiced their perspective of the new immigration laws that are coming into effect. I am noticing that the intended audience can be for a wide variety. This article is targeting the affected immigrant populous and those who need to be informed on the happening of the recent events and actions of our current administration.  The credibility of the Editorial Board can be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion. Even though USA Today is a nation wide outlet for news it does not mean that there is a personal sense of bias in the editorial. The initial argument is that illegal immigrants are being targeted and that the presidency is going about this all wrong. With data to back up that 60% of Americans believe that immigrants should be allowed to stay and eventually apply for a citizenship.   With an increase that will cost taxpayers billions just to hire more than 10,000 immigration a...
The Washington Post  put out an article on February 7th in regards to Democrat Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. In this article Elizabeth Warren is rebuked by the Senate Republicans in a party-line rebuke. This action came at the accusation of Warren impugning Senator Session's character. Warren came to speak on a speech written by the wife of slain Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King in referencing controversial prosecutions in Alabama when Sessions served as the U.S. Attorney. In a rare move by the majority leader Mitch McConnell interrupted Warren during her speech claiming it was impugning the character of Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions and breaking the Senate rules. Social media and other senators show their support to Warren while she finishes her speech during a Facebook live post to show she and the Democratic party will not be silenced The reason I think this is a good read is because this woman was shut down for reading a spee...
Hello all! Can't wait to try out this blog business!